Zelikow = Zelig
let's settle on Zelik
Asia Times (not widely read in Washington) has something interesting to say about Phil Zelikow as is noted by
Brad DeLong who appears to read everything.
"he was part of the current president's transition team in January 2001. In that capacity, Zelikow drafted a memo for National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice on reorganizing and restructuring the National Security Council (NSC) and prioritizing its work."
In his capacity as executive director of the 9/11 commission Zelik demands that the Bush administration turn this memo over to the commission.
"We absolutely must see that memo, answering the question of how high a priority terrorism was for the Bush administration is central to our mission. Furthermore, the downgrading of Richard Clarke under the title of "reorganization" is almost as important. Executive priviledge might cover the White House staff, but the transition team is legally a bunch of private citizens who certainly cannot claim executive anything. If you don't have the memo over here tomorrow, I will make sure that obscure Asia Times article is all over Washington"