The Iraq occupation risks running out of money before the fiscal year ends, the Bush administration refuses to budget for next years spending until after the election. Meanwhile families of US soldiers are buying them body armor and soldiers are driving around in Iraq in un armored humvees. This is a life and death issue
Newsweek via
defencetech via
Brad Delong
"A breakdown of the casualty figures suggests that many U.S. deaths and wounds in Iraq simply did not need to occur. According to an unofficial study by a defense consultant that is now circulating through the Army, of a total of 789 Coalition deaths as of April 15 (686 of them Americans), 142 were killed by land mines or improvised explosive devices, while 48 others died in rocket-propelled-grenade attacks. Almost all those soldiers were killed while in unprotected vehicles, which means that perhaps one in four of those killed in combat in Iraq might be alive if they had had stronger armor around them, the study suggested. Thousands more who were unprotected have suffered grievous wounds, such as the loss of limbs."
I hate to be partisan while people are dying but I would hate more to let the death continue by allowing Bush to put politics above soldiers' lives. I think that Senator Kerry has to propose as an amendment to something else a supplemental bill providing more money for bolt on armor for Humvees and for latest model body armor for all US soldiers in Iraq. He would be required to say how he will pay for this. He should propose a tax on immense estates and very high incomes. Hell I think he should add an extra little tax cut equal for everyone to the bill.
To me Bush is currently riding high in the polls in an unarmored humvee with no body armor. One well aimed amendment and he is history.
This would not be exploiting the suffering of soldiers in Iraq for partisan gain, because they would be the first to benefit. That is, I think the amendment would not be just symbolic but would be a step towards getting something done. Bush doesn't seem to care as much as he should about US servicemen dying. I'm sure he cares a lot but not, it seems, enough. The fact that Kerry is using the issue to tear him to pieces politically would help getting some overdue action on the Vietnam era body armor un armored jeep disgraces.