"Kerry Campaign Provides Military Records
4 minutes ago"
Note the byline
Nedra Pickler.
Amazingly Republicans chose to attack Kerry on his military record. Isn't that leading with their chin ? Well how about a quick chin nose combination?
" Ken Mehlman, President Bush (news - web sites)'s campaign manager, accused Kerry's campaign of waffling on the release of his military records, saying the campaign's position on Tuesday to release the records in "due diligence" is contrary to Kerry's comments on "Meet the Press" that the records would be made public immediately.
"Senator Kerry's record of nondisclosure and his flip-flop on this issue should concern voters," Mehlman said. "
They never ever back down do they ? I can't help believing that this is going to hurt them. The degree of total vileness of the Bush campaign and administration never ceases to amaze me, and I can't help believing that millions of my country-people who have not been paying attention are going to notice between now and the election.