How to Win Allies and Influence People
From The
Washington Post
"Five thousand people marched to the Spanish garrison after hearing that Mustafa al-Yacoubi, a senior al-Sadr aide, had been detained.
Spanish troops in the area have said they had no information on al-Yacoubi's reported detention and said they did not take part in any such operation.
At headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition in Baghdad, authorities said al-Yacoubi had been detained. "
The bottom line is that the Spaniards (who might be leaving soon) and Salvadorans were not consulted on, or even informed, of a coalition action, which was promptly followed by an attack on them.
This makes the Socialists position that command must be shifted to the UN a matter of self preservation as well as a matter of principal. The Bush team continues to be the last, best hope for world socialism (except for the Labour party). It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.