Back to TANG and leading with their chin. The Bush campaign demanded that Kerry release his military records which are what one would expect for the winner of 5 medals. This was very dumb. Now he can bring up Bush's ARG records again. The Bush campaign should realise that this issue goes away because reporters get bored with it not because Bush has ever come up with a convincing explanation.
Some time ago on valentine's day,
I thought reporters might keep on it "If there are gross gaps in the file released by the whitehouse (no copy of the discharge itself, no disciplinary response to the failure to take the flight physical-)" .
There were exactly those gross gaps plus the absense of a final officer efficiency evaluation. Nonetheless it took a boneheaded attack on Kerry on a front where he has the high ground (to put it mildly) to enable Kerry to get attention back on the gaps.
I am kicking myself for not posting the thought (which I really honestly had in February) that McClellan describing the file as "everything we have" made me suspect that they had avoided receiving everything in Bush's file.
Josh Marshall has evidence that this is what happened.