A bug in the system.
I am an entusiast for cyber retailing and even for the use of algorithms to personalize adds. Therefore I am dismayed to report that www.amazon.com has a bug in their system.
I went there, because I wanted to look up a quote and have heard that you can do it on Amazon. Basically I try to figure out how to do that on Amazon while googling to pass the dead time of opening web pages and stuff until googling works. So far Google has always found the quote before I figure out Amazon.com.
So I open www.amazon.com and I saw this
"Hello, Robert Waldmann. We have Book Recommendations for you. (If you're not Robert Waldmann, click here.)
Trump Talks"
looks like they need to reprogram a bit.
Best of all (no way for Amazon.com to know this) I was looking for the exact context of "From each according to his ability to each according to his needs !"
Oh and when I write about a "bug" in their system I am not referring to Mr Trump