The drug wars
I am fairly sure that this is a joke.
What are we going to do with Fallujah ? We went there to help them and yet a mob of them are full of hatred for us. They are paranoid. They have no empathy for the suffering of private security contractors. They are angry. How can we treat their mental disease ?
I have no personal experience in the matter (really honestly none 0 never even seen the stuff) but, based on media reports, it sounds like ecstasy is just what the doctor ordered.
Now that people are considering extreme solutions and the current administration sure isn't bothered by things like the rules of war, how about putting ecstasy in the Fallujah water supply ? I think the amount of water people drink is pretty similar, so there would be a low risk of overdosing.
Maybe with a bit of ecstasy in the tap water, Fallujan's would be walking around smiling and hugging marines.
This way we could divert the resourses devoted to the unwinable war on drugs to the war on terror. We could unite the power mad neocons with the drug crazed ravers.
It sounds crazy. It is crazy. It makes a lot more sense than Bush administration policy.