The Bush administration has surpassed the sophistry of the sophists and the causitry of the Jesuits in their attempt to argue that over 7 months of discussion were well spent improving Richard Clarke's Jan 25 memo to the September fourth draft NSPD. They have a problem with the title of appendix A of the memo. From the 8 April heariing
"In fact, since we're in the mood to declassify stuff, there was – he [Clarke] included in his January 25th memo two appendices -- Appendix A: "Strategy for the elimination of the jihadist threat of al Qaeda," Appendix B: "Political military plan for al Qaeda." "
So Clarke claimed it was a strategy not a list and least of all a laundry list More to the point the aim was "elimination" not "roll-back", "containment" or "law enforcement."
The draft NSPD's aim was also discussed on Thursday
"I was struck by your characterization of the NSPD,…, as having the goal of the elimination of al Qaeda.
Because as I look at it -- …-- it doesn't call for the elimination of al Qaeda.
And it may be a semantic difference, but I don't think so. It calls for the elimination of the al Qaeda threat. "
Under oath but fearless Rice stuck to the party line when answering Gov Thompson's first question
RICE:" …I said, "Dick, take the ideas …, put it together into a strategy, not to roll back al Qaeda" -- which had been the goal of the Clinton -- of what Dick Clarke wrote to us -- "but rather to eliminate this threat." "
I wonder how Clarke responded to the suggestion that his "Strategy for the elimination of the jihadist threat of al Qaeda," should be modified in to something "to eliminate this threat" ?
I think the Bush administration are down to the distinction between
“the elimination of the jihadist threat of al Qaeda” – Clarke 1/25/01
“the elimination of the al Qaeda threat” -draft NSPD 9/4/01
Clarke only wanted to eliminate the jihadist threat. After 7 months of discussion they decided to eliminate all the other al Qaeda threats such as …