Let me caveatize that.
Clarke part XXXVII
First, in the post below, I noted that Rice's staff includes Clarke's former staff. I should note that most of Clarke's direct subordinates have resigned as reported on p 290 of "Against all Enemies". I blush to admit that I have just finished the book.
Second I was shocked to learn that the post below that (Clarke part XXXV) is much harder on Wolf Blitzer than Atrios and Bob Somerby put together. I stress that the plural pronoun "they" can not refer to the singular NSC spinmeister Wilkinson and that Blitzer should name smearers if he can.
I realise that Atrios and Somerby are right. It is possible that the retracted claim that they (plural) brought up the weirdness issue was a slip. Given how I write and type, I should not cast the first stone.
I agree with Somerby that Blitzer really should denounce Wilkinson for his lie. Wilkinson supressed the two little words "as if" when paraphrasing to make a metaphor sound like a hallucination. I agree with Atrios that Blitzer should not claim that Krugman's correct summary of what he said was incorrect, although he can claim that he misspoke.
Still I guess I was to harsh on Blitzer. I said he was a sheep stupidly herded by Bushes running Sheep dogs. I guess he is a Wolf in Sheep's clothing.