As noted by
"Roger Ailes", and
Ted at crooked timber, Mickey Kaus is making a fool of himself over an
article by Robert Sam Anson in the New York Observer.
I really don't care about Kaus or Agnew. I want to know which "assistant something or other at the Pentagon [who] was away for the evening, but had left a key" to his Georgetown townhouse for Vietnam veterans against the war in 1971? I mean wouldn't it be nice to know who is going to be the next secretary of Defence ?
[update Oatsie and Robert Charles].
article itself is truly beautiful, although, like the works of Dostoevsky, it shows that just being nuts doesn't mean you can write well. Anson criticizes Kerry because there is a risk that he, like McGovern, will attempt to sound moderate and won't stand up for his liberal principals. This is the first time I have read that McGovern should have campaigned further to the left (I'm not young but I'm too young to have heard that).
Anson objects that McGovern's trimming had bad effects involving people like Carter and Clinton ? this makes it seem that Anson can't stand it when Democrats are actually elected President. Anson claims otherwise, but what else is one to make of the proposal "The solution? Well, for starters, friend of days gone by, lay your hands on a tape of your 1971 Senate testimony; have Bob Shrum turn it into a TV commercial. Air it morning, noon and night. " ? Come on Mr Anson, get your own soul into heaven, I want Kerry in the White House.