Asymptotically we'll all be dead
Ah, yes, the natural sweetener that has a low enough glycemic index to be used in a diabetic's diet is "agave." Of course, research in the course of finding an even more exciting sweetener has led me to a no-fat chocolate syrup which if I ever decide to give over life as we know it and stop mangling myself by running through the wilds I will turn to, the chocolate syrup this is, Swiss yet. Forgive me.anne
What we are finding, not to an iota of surprise from me, is just how conservative and just how predictable Justices Roberts and Alito are. We have a new Supreme Court with young conservatives who will be tough as nails for years to come. That Democrats did not attempt to filibuster against Alito, even though they would have lost, bothers me still. That was in the Joe Lieberman as Republican days.anne
Joe Lieberman is responsible for a host of awful judicial appointments. Imagine Al Gore failing to understand who Lieberman was.anne 19, 2007Denying the Right to Choose Among the major flaws in yesterday's Supreme Court decision giving the federal government power to limit a woman's right to make decisions about her health was its fundamental dishonesty. Under the modest-sounding guise of following existing precedent, the majority opinion — written by Justice Anthony Kennedy and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito — gutted a host of thoughtful lower federal court rulings, not to mention past Supreme Court rulings.It severely eroded the constitutional respect and protection accorded to women and the personal decisions they make about pregnancy and childbirth. The justices went so far as to eviscerate the crucial requirement, which dates to the 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, that all abortion regulations must have an exception to protect a woman's health.As far as we know, Mr. Kennedy and his four colleagues responsible for this atrocious result are not doctors. Yet these five male justices felt free to override the weight of medical evidence presented during the several trials that preceded the Supreme Court showdown. Instead, they ratified the politically based and dangerously dubious Congressional claim that criminalizing the intact dilation and extraction method of abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy — the so-called partial-birth method — would never pose a significant health risk to a woman. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has found the procedure to be medically necessary in certain cases....anne
Also, should there be a Democratic president elected, the conservatives on the Supreme Court will not be consistent in favoring the executive, but will turn to the states for leads again. The only flexibility now is Anthony Kennedy; beyond that we have a sort of Herbert Hoover court confronting a possible Democratic president.anne Says There Are Limits to U.S. Patience in Iraq By ASSOCIATED PRESS Robert Gates carried an unmistakable message intended to stir the Iraqi government to act against sectarian strife.[We are altogether mad as hatters, only sadder.]anne
Oh, are we still surging?
Suppose, just suppose, we become so impatient as to, say, leave Iraq immediately, just suppose. Meanwhile, we are surging and mad as only hatters can be.anne
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