Well they have a Pope: Benedict 16 formerly known as
Cardinal Josef Ratzinger
I did indeed know that a pope had been elected, because I heard the bells of the local church ringing for joy at 6 pm. I basically guessed given the speed of the conclave that Ratzinger was elected.
I didn't know that a half hour or so passes from the white smoke until the announcement.
On Italian RAI channel 2 (channel 1 is traditionally the most Catholic channel) the reporters basically did not pretend not to know. They reported that cardinals had told them that they had counted at least 35 votes for Ratzinger before the conclave, meaning no one else would be elected so quickly (4th ballot).
Still I waited hoping against hope until the announcement.
By mistake I made a prediction yesterday. I predicted that this [would] will be the best thing for atheism since Darwin. I am an atheist and I am not at all pleased.
he just said "Cari Fratelli e Sorelle"
update: It is not clear to me that Josef Ratzinger is the Pope. IIRC the Pope is *nominated* by the college of cardinals but must be acclaimed by the people of Rome to be elected.
The International Herald Tribune seems to have found only one Roman (Rocco Buttiglione) who acclaimed Ratzinger. Now this is silly, but I find arguing about the applausometer more interesting than arguing about pregnant chads.