Is Bush in Deep DooDoo ?
Harris Interactive has some
bad news for Junior.
Brad DeLongThe last month has not been a good one for President Bush and the Republicans. Most people have opposed the President’s proposals for reforming Social Security and most were unhappy with the positions taken by Republicans in the Terri Schiavo case. The result is that the president’s job ratings have fallen to 44 percent positive, 56 percent negative, the worst numbers of his presidency, and a drop from 48 percent positive, 51 percent negative in February (and 50% positive, 49% negative last November).
It should be stressed that, in this poll, "fair" is lumped with "poor" so the percent "positive" according to this method is normally lower than the percent who answer yes if asked if the approve of the job that x is doing.
Surprisingly, most people seem to have an opinion on both Frist and Hastert. Unsurprisingly it is not favorable. One weird thing is that "Democrats in Congress" rate even lower than "Republicans in Congress."
I wonder if HarrisDirect also asked people who is in control of congress, and then looked at the views of people who know that the Republicans are.
Many people think the Democrats are in the majority and so blame them if they disapprove of Congressional actions (as most people do).