Glorious Traditions in Florida
I really don't know who remembered the claim that the the sister of then senator Claude "Red" Pepper was a thespian, but the word has returned to Florida politics here
"Martinez: Well-intentioned but misguided?
Staffer No. 2: That's what you said about Sandy and Diane after they said Castor was an accomplished thespian in college." (via
Jeralyn via
Kevin Drum). No word on whether a young hothead in Marinez' office claimed that Castor's brother (like Pepper's) is a practicing Homo sapiens.
Castor for Chairperson of the House Rules Committee.
To be serious, I'd guess that the quote attributed to "Sandy and Diane" was invented by the comedic genius at the Miami Herald ... no not Dave Barry, the other on, Jim Defede who is just about as funny as Dave Barry (and I never expected to type that)