Conservative Craziness quoted by the
Boston Globe.OK I know it is cheating, since Nina J. Easton probably chose the dumbest things conservatives said, but she found some beauties.
''The Republicans have lost the first round of the battle, but they're winning the war," Moore insisted. ''You have to have candidates run on it. You have to win races on it."
Stephen Moore supports a claim that Republicans are winning the war by saying what they have to do, not what they have done. And what do they have to do (and surely will) ? Win elections by advocating a wildly unpopular reform. The man clearly has lost the distinction between what "wish" and "predict".
"Bush succeeded in the past three elections, including the midterm, demonstrating that Republicans could bring up Social Security and survive," said Paul Gigot, editorial page editor of The Wall Street Journal,
A clear case of pre hoc ergo propter hoc logic. Bush won elections and then attacked social security therefore attacking social security will not cause Republicans to lose elections.
The frustration of social security escaping when they thought they had it in their sites has clearly driven these poor guys crazy.