Culture of Life Reaches Outer Limit of Idiocy
Atrios First they came to protect the embryos, then they came to protect the glastrulas then they came to protect the blastocysts, then they came to protect
individual isolated human genes.
I confess. I am a murderer. I have killed millions of human cells even as I type this post, but you are no better.
There appear to be real live human beings who are able to argue that eating rice which has been modified by the addition of a human CPY2B6 gene "will smack of cannibalism."
The Independent cites un named environmentalists who, I assume, don't want to make total fools of themselves. However they do have an attibuted quote "Sue Mayer, director of GeneWatch UK, said yesterday: 'I don't think that anyone will want to buy this rice. People have already expressed disgust about using human genes, and already feel that their concerns are being ignored by the biotech industry. This will just undermine their confidence even more.'"
What's next ? people objecting to eating atoms which have been in other people. Hate to ruin you appetite, but the only alternative is starvation.