Is Tom DeLay French ?
Talking Points Memo a link to
The Dallas News (registration required)
Tom DeLay: "It is unfortunate in our electoral system, exacerbated by our adversarial media culture, that political
discourse has to get so overheated that it's not just arguments, but motives are questioned."
OK I was willing to give him a pass on the capital L in the middle of his name because
one of my best friends has a capital L in the middle of his name, but since when do Texans use the word "discourse" instead of "debate" or "discussion". I know it is technically an English word, but really what is DeLay going to deconstruct next ? I admit one of the best frinds of one of my best friends has a blog called, but his first language is French (with a Belgian accent because he learned it partly from a Haitian baby sitter) and he sure ain't from Texas.