Steve Clemons and
TheWashingtonNote formatting alert
This is a blogosphere issue. I think Steve Clemons over at is very good and has a real chance of affecting the vote on John Bolton. However there are two problems at his site and I don't know how to contact him.
First check if it just my browser (netscape) but his page seems technically messed up (the text I see has no title and starts in the middle of a sentence). The archived version of
the post is fine.
Update: Now the main page seems to be fine too. The problem lasted about 10 minutes.
Also I think that
"This is the time to get off the Chafee dime. He is miscalculating -- and there is nothing one can do with someone who is not rationally calculating interests in something like this and who seems to want to ignore empirical reality." really really really should be
"This is the time to get off the dime Senator Chafee. There is nothing one can do with someone like Bolton who is not rationally calculating interests in something like this and who seems to want to ignore empirical reality."
I'm not sure if the sentence in Clemons' post is a typo or what, but as it is written, my reading is that Clemons is saying that *Chafee* is miscalculating -- and there is nothing one can do with Chafee who is not rationally calculating interests in something like this and who seems to want to ignore empirical reality."
It is entirely possible that Clemons meant to write this. He does think that Chafee is miscalculating and *so far* Chafee is insisting on ignoring the facts about Bolton. The sentence follows sentences addressing other moderate Republican senators, so Clemons might very well have given up on Chafee and shifted to trying to convince another Republican on the committee. I think it would be a mistake to give up on Chafee. I would advise a rewrite and the false claim that it was a typo.