I agree with the scientists
quoted in this article who criticise the NIH ethics rules.
I don't think that it is such a huge problem that the National Institutes of Health have trouble recruiting people so long as they do research somewhere. However, I think that many "outside activities" including collaboration with and advising of for profit biotech companies are extremely socially useful. Like Universties the NIH does research not development and, by discouraging collaboration with firms (including collaboration motivated by NIH scientists desire for money) a barrier is established between science and patients who would benefit.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure:
My father Thomas Waldmann works at the NIH and the new NIH ethics rules have cost him a considerable sum of money.
I wrote this post just so I could disclose a conflict of interest as an expression of my view of blogging ethics and the fact that I am thrilled that the Washington Post has a story on a matter of direct interest to my personal family (although they mentioned Synagis® (palivizumab) not zenapax® (daiclixumab)).