Berlusconi's new cabinet was announced today (in record time)
La Repubblica doesn't even pretend that this story is comparable in importance to Pope Benedict XVI. One key addition is Giulio Tremonti formerly economics minister, then spending more time with his family, now deputy prime minister. To me this seems to be a deliberate slap in the face (sgara) for the two parties UDC and AN whose doubts about Berlusconi caused the crisis. Their one political accomplishment in the first Berlusconi government was getting rid of Tremonti. Note the extreme enthusiasm shown by Gianfraco Fini (deputy prime minister, foreign minister and top guy in AN).
The other big theme is more subsidies for the South. The Lega Nord is a powerful member of the coalition and their main theme is that hard working northerners should not be subsidies to pay for corruption in Southern Italy. Berlusconi has tended to agree with them (he's scared of them since they brought down his first government in 1994). This lead to some remarkable results in the recent regional elections including the election of Nichi Vendola (still communist and openly gay) as presidente of deep South Puglia (the heel of the Italian boot). I'm not holding my breath until say Louisiana follows the lead of Puglia.
Thus Tremonti, who was a relatively consistent advocate of market oriented reforms and fiscal rigor, is now enthusing for more subsidies for the South.
Also there is a new minister without portolio with the portfolio of "Sviluppo e la coesione territoriale" that is "developement and territorial cohesion" both of which words unambiguously "mean more subsidies for the South" in the Italian political context. I have clearly not managed to translate the Italian "dicastero senza portafoglio" since the closest I can come is "portfolio without portfolio" but you understand there is a political crisis, compromises must be made, and hairs (in particular lana caprina) must be split. Clearly the aim of this new portfolio without portfolio is economic stimulus and so it is appropriate that it will belong Gianfranco Micciché who had a stimulant (cocaine) delivered to his office in the economics ministry.
note that I write this in Italy where libel and slander "calunia" are crimes.
Clearly when he claimed that John Bolton is a diplomat, Bush was challenging Berlusconi's title as king of political comedy. Pathetic. Bush isn't in the same league.