One of Grover Norquist's many employers is a convicted terrorist.
Newsweek via
Oliver Willis
"Libya’s status as a formally designated sponsor of terrorism—a label it is not likely to lose any time soon following recent evidence that Kaddafi sought to assassinate Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just last year. A U.S. Muslim activist,
Abdurahman Alamoudi, was sentenced to 23 years in federal prison this month after confessing to his role in taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from Libya to advance the plot. Sources tell NEWSWEEK that British authorities are actively investigating the Libyan plot and recently questioned Alamoudi about it at considerable length."
Countdown with Keith Olbermann’ for Oct. 23
Abdurahman Alamoudi [snip] What
Alamoudi and al-Arian have in common is a guy named
Grover Norquist. He’s the super lobbyist. Newt Gingrich’s guy, the one the NRA calls on, head of American taxpayers. He is the guy that was
hired by Alamoudi to head up the Islamic institute and he’s the registered agent for Alamoudi, personally, and for the Islamic Institute."