My google rank for
Bush "more facile" is number 1 !
I never knew I had the facility to obtain fame with facile humor. The weird thing is
that a dailykos entry and a NY Times entry also note the boo boo
Robert's random thoughts
... Bush "we need to be lighter, and quicker, and more facile, and highly trained."
Well Bush needs to be more highly trained on the meaning of "facile". ... - 45k - 9 Oct 2004 - Cached - Similar pages
Daily Kos :: MSNBC: Bush did well
... Did I hear (none / 0) Bush say that his administration was, among other things making
the military: "More facile"? Pretty sure. Anyone else notice that? ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages
Also according to google (which I used to trust) I am the second leading source of information on
GQRR polls
... 52, Kerry 45 9/21 GQRR Bush 47, Kerry 45 9/19 NBC/WSJ Bush 50, Kerry 46 9/19 Zogby
Bush 46, Kerry 43 But honestly, these nationwide horserace type polls don't ... php?Cat=0&Board=UBB23&main=398197&type=thread - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
Robert's random thoughts
... The 12 polls in the average are Tipp, Gallup, ABC/WP, Time, Fox, CBS, GWU, AP, Marist,
GQRR(Dem corps), NBC/WSJ and Zogby. posted by Robert Waldmann 7:47 PM. ... - 37k - Cached - Similar pages"
This is alarming, since I don't even know what the R's stand for. I know it is Greenberg Quinlan [someone whose name begins with R] [some word that begins with R].
And to think that I rely on google.