Proof Palin Lied
in the Washington PostAlso Maria Comella wins the all time faccia di bronza (chutzpa in Italian) award
"This trooper is still out on the street, in fact he's been promoted," said a Feb. 7, 2007, e-mail sent from Palin's personal Yahoo account and written to give Monegan permission to speak on a violent-crime bill before the state legislature.
"It was a joke, the whole year long 'investigation' of him," the e-mail said. [snip]
Asked about the e-mails, Palin's campaign spokeswoman, Maria Comella, said ... that there is no evidence that Palin ever ordered Wooten to be fired.
OK explain to me how objecting that he is still on the street and calling the investigation a joke doesn't add up to an order than he be fired ?
I knew the e-mails would contain convincing proof that Palin lied so long as their authenticity wasn't challenged. It is clear from Comella's reply that they admit that the e-mails are authentic. They combined with the fact that Palin said
her administration put no pressure on Monegan concerning Wooten she had no knowledge that her aids and husband put pressure on Monegan concerning Wooten is enough to prove to her mother that she is a shameless liar.