If you think those people at
Human Events who think Darwin Wrote "Origen of The Species" are ignorant, look at the titles at the Humane Events list of the 10 mot damaging books in the 19th and 20th centuries.
HUMANE EVENTS ONLINE :: Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries:
* The Communist Mephisto (the Devil made 'em do it)
* Mine Camp (for those hard to discipline teens)
* Quotations from Chairman Meow (cat bloggers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your links)
* The Kinsley Report (AKA the L.A. Times Editorial Page)
* Democracy and Education (clearly they have no more time for the second than for the first)
* Diss Kapital (that dead White
hoe I mean
White ho (via
Atrios) Karl Marx advises his readers to disrespect an essential factor of production)
* The Feminine Mystic (Wiccan propaganda; good thing it's
banned by Cale Bradford)
* The Course of Positive Thinking (by Auguste Vincent Peale)
* Beyond Good to Evil (By Anakin Skywalker)
* The General Theory of Interesting Employments of Money (Shoppers guide by John Maynard Keen)
several updates hereby confessed