Dan Eggen and Julie Tate are very hard on the Bush administration
here in the Washington Post. Basically they claim that the Justice Department has been inflating the number of terrorism prosecutions by tricks like counting 20 prosecutions of truck drivers who got licences without passing truck drivers ed (not kidding see post below).
However, the Justice Department does have a few scalps on their belt. They got Abdurahman Alamoudi
Sabin, the Justice Department's counterterrorism chief, said he could not discuss the specifics of most cases because of restrictions posed by ongoing criminal proceedings. But he said one case in particular illustrates the government's strategy: the conviction of Abdurahman Alamoudi, who admitted to taking $1 million from Libya and using it to pay conspirators in a scheme to kill Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.
and they are hot on the trail of
Grover Norquist. Next a harder challenge. Have they caught any terrorists who haven't employed Grover Norquist ?