Asymptotically we'll all be dead
drop _allset mem 100muse a_w8rel,clearkeep if rel == 2 sort country pid2save ja_w8rel,replaceclearuse a_w7rel,clearkeep if rel == 2 sort country pid2save ja_w7rel,replacemerge country pid2 using ja_w8relkeep if _m==2drop _m/* these should be new kids */gen double pid = pid1sort country pidsave newkids,replaceclearuse a_w8rsort country pidsave,replaceclearuse a_w8psort country pidsave,replaceclearuse a_w7prename pd004 sexkeep if sex == 2 /* gender == female */sort country pidmerge country pid using newkidskeep if _m==3 /* mother with newly arrived kids */drop _msave newkids,replacereplace pid = pid2sort country pidmerge country pid using a_w8rkeep if _m==3drop _mkeep if rd001==.keep if pd003 < 41 /* keep mothers younger than 41 */keep if pg006 > 0keep if rd002 >0gen long diff = pg006 - rd002replace diff = diff-12 if diff >=0keep country pid1 pid2 hid pg006 pg007 rd002 wave pd003 diff sexgen double pid=pid1drop if pg006 <0gen pg006_old=pg006drop pg006sort country pidmerge country pid using a_w8pkeep if _m==3drop _mdrop if pg006 <0gen diffint = pg006 - pg006_oldreplace pg006 = pg006_olddrop pg006_oldkeep country pid pid1 pid2 hid pg006 pg007 rd002 wave pd003 diffint diff sexgen temp = diff + diffintkeep if temp <=0drop tempdrop if diff == -12 & diffint == 0gen ybirth = 2000 + ((pg006 - diff) > 12)replace pid = pid2recast double pid1 pid2 pidkeep country hid pid1 pid2 ybirth sexsort country pid2save newmkids,replace
the program below called should do for the 7th wave what newnewkids does for the 8th (that is guess kids birth year). I don't have the data to check that the guessed year corresponds to the available rd001rop _allset mem 100muse a_w6rel,clearkeep if rel == 2 sort country pid2save ja_w6rel,replaceclearuse a_w7rel,clearkeep if rel == 2 sort country pid2save ja_w7rel,replacemerge country pid2 using ja_w6relkeep if _m==2drop _m/* these should be new kids */gen double pid = pid1sort country pidsave newkids,replaceclearuse a_w7rsort country pidsave,replaceclearuse a_w7psort country pidsave,replaceclearuse a_w6prename pd004 sexkeep if sex == 2 /* gender == female */sort country pidmerge country pid using newkidskeep if _m==3 /* mother with newly arrived kids */drop _msave newkids,replacereplace pid = pid2sort country pidmerge country pid using a_w6rkeep if _m==3drop _m/* to check we want to guess birth year even if we know it so this line commented out keep if rd001==. */keep if pd003 < 41 /* keep mothers younger than 41 */keep if pg006 > 0keep if rd002 >0gen long difg = pg006 - rd002replace difg = difg-12 if difg >=0drop pidgen double pid=pid2drop if pg006 <0gen pg006_old=pg006drop pg006sort country pidmerge country pid using a_w8pkeep if _m==3drop _mdrop if pg006 <0gen diffint = pg006 - pg006_oldreplace pg006 = pg006_olddrop pg006_oldgen temp = difg + diffintkeep if temp <=0drop tempdrop if difg == -12 & diffint == 0gen rd001g = 1999 + ((pg006 - difg) > 12)recast double pid1 pid2 pidgen desc_id = pid2gen ybirth = 1999 + ((pg006 - diff) > 12)sort country hid pidsave c:\programmi\stata9\preg\nnmkids7,replacedrop _alluse c:\programmi\stata9\preg\a_w7rsort country hid pidmerge country hid pid using c:\programmi\stata9\preg\nnmkids7gen oops = rd001-rd001gsum oopssum oops if pid==desc_id
Bionatrol Pro Enhance Enhancement product alternative to prescription drugs. And, unlike many prescription drugs that treat Erectile Dysfunction, the herbal male enhancement products are natural, fast acting, long lasting (up to 72 hours), reportedly do not have the side effects, some can also be effective even when alcohol
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