Robert's Random Thoughts exclusiive must quote Robert't Random Thoughts
Second Robert's Random Thoughts Retraction
Recall the first retraction Curio Pintus was a victim and had every reason to hint that he might sue me, although I personally do not claim any particular expertise in the sense of knowing exactly who he is.
Retraction Retraction Retraction
post is wrong !
I should not have claimed that "It depends on what your definition of "action" is". I distorted the meaning of McClellan's statement by removing it from context.
In fact a bit more context shows that McClellan's statement to the March 23 press gaggle makes no sense even if "action" is defined as "meetings"
McCLELLAN: ... He appears to be more wrapped up in the process about what title he had and what meetings he was able to participate in or not participate in. The world according to Dick Clarke is all about Dick Clarke. If he and his ideas are not at the center of all that is going on, then he thinks you cannot be taking terrorism seriously.
Well, let's look at the facts. Let's look at the action we took. This President took action immediately upon coming into office to develop a comprehensive strategy to eliminate al Qaeda. ...
That is, McClellan first accuses Clarke of caring too much about, among other things, meetings which are not to be confused with action, then praises Bush for ordering some meetings, that is, action.
This is McClellan vs McClellan. Notice again that I did not paste two distant contradictory statements together with an ellipses. He really did say one thing, toss in two gratuitous insults, then say something which contradicted the first.
I should not have hinted that McClellan has the same degree of honesty, self discipline, willingness to take responsibility for his mistakes and integrity as Bill Clinton.
I should have said that if McClellan repents and devotes the rest of his life to building his character he might live long enough to have one tenth as much integrity in his whole body as Bill Clinton has in his ... little finger.