balding eagle part XXVII
Clarke Vs Rumsfeld
From the New York Times
"Regarding one of Mr. Clarke's most publicized statements, that Mr. Rumsfeld pushed for an invasion of Iraq because there were no good targets in Afghanistan, Mr. Rumsfeld told Fox News that the quote was correct but out of context.
"If you think about it, the United States government made a decision to go into Afghanistan, not into Iraq, after 9/11," Mr. Rumsfeld said. "So the implication of what he's saying obviously misunderstands what actually took place.""
Rumsfeld's confirmation shows that he is unfit to be secretary of defence. I mean there are good targets in Paris too. Does he want to bomb Paris ? I sure would rather not find out.
His argument on Fox shows he is as confused about the US constitution as he is about military strategy. Let me see if I can help him out. The secretary of defence does not decide on US foreign policy. Foreign policy is conducted by the President (you know the guy at the end of the big oval table who smirks a lot) with the advice and consent of the Senate. The fact that the US did one thing, does not prove that the secretary of defence did not argue that the US should do something else.