Brain Dead Metaphor
In a generally excellent
review of An End to Evil: What's Next in the War on Terrorism, by David Frum and Richard Perle , Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke write “Ideology informs the book like an iron spine.”. Typically “informs” is used for higher mental processes performed by the Brain which is in the scull not the spine. The term for the unfortunates whose functioning central nervous system is in their spine is “Brain Dead”. Actually, given the general tenor of the review, this may be what Halper and Clarke meant. However, given their idea of how one might approach military morale problems “an effort--a sort of sting in the dying scorpion's tail--to rally the troops” I hope Halpern and Clarke will not be hired by the defence department. Aside from the comfort of our troops I wouldn’t want the DOD to buy $600 dying scorpions to stiffen the spines of our soldiers.
Nonetheless I am delighted that Halper and Clarke conclude that the octopus of neoconservativism is singing its swan song, and I am perfectly willing to tow their line and throw the jackboot of neoconservativism in the dustbin of history.