Is Clarke going to keep on going until November ? What would stop him ?
He is clearly very angry and determined to get Bush out of office. It seems to me that he might succeed. Other angry insiders have gone quite. DiIulio appears to have been intimidated, O'neill appears to have gotten bored, Clarke appears to be fearless and relentless. All agree he is a Bulldozer Bulldog and deadly enemy of Bull****.
I think the only thing that could stop him is if the media cut off his access. If reporters decide to move on and don't quote him in papers or let him on the air, he would lose effectiveness. In that case I think he should start a blog.
I think the media might give him a lot of time. He makes good copy. Clarke is eloquent. It's not just that he speaks and writes decent English not bureaucratese, he uses vivid metaphores and excellent turns of phrase. Also he was right at the heart of the action, the most senior official who stayed in the White House when it might be a target. That's dramatic. Also he faced danger when all the people defending Bush got away from potential targets( not that there is anything wrong with that). He was a personal Friend of John O'Neill a fellow Cassandra who died in the WTC .
Clarke is Rove's worst nightmare. I think he personally might make the difference.
I think of the heroic passengers of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. They basically knew they were doomed, but didn't let that paralyse them and acted to save others even if they couldn't save themselves. That plane might have been aiming for the White House where it might have killed Clarke. Maybe those passengers changed the course of history.