If Bush has lost the Pasadena police department he's lost the country.
From the
Washington Post
"I support our troops, but I certainly don't agree with what we're trying to do by trying to Americanize and westernize a culture that doesn't want to be Americanized," said Janet Pope, a management analyst for the Pasadena Police Department. "I'm worried and borderline disgusted that many of our young people will die in this war when we truly don't know the reasons behind it."
Trying for balance the Post sent reporters to Orange county (I know it's not the hive of wingnuts it used to be) and Ogallala Nebraska. They found one guy who blames Iraqis and doesn't blame Bush and published his photo. Hell maybe he was just trying to get his photo in the Post.
If it keeps going like this, you think maybe Bush will have to ask Chirac for political asylum ?
Update Eliabetta Addis asks "Why Chirac". Reply "The French will take anyone."
France is, after all, the country that gave asylum to Ayatollah Khomeini and various Red Brigades suspects.