The Silent Majority
supports health care reform.
First 50% support
"Barack Obama's plan to reform health care."
Second solid majorities support every component of the House plans (including soaking the rich to pay for reform). The difference between the solid majority for each and every component of reform and the not so solid majority for the reform plan is clearly based on uncertainty or misinformation about the plan. It is not just the usual pattern that people oppose public spending but support spending on each and every program. This is clear, because there is solid support for one of the funding options, in response to a question which definitely stresses the cost side of the cost benefit calculation.
The vast majority of US citizens support universal health insurance *and* support the taxes and mandates which will be required to achieve it.
However, a very noisy minority has been shouting down reform supporting congressmen when they try to talk to their constituents.
Clearly this is a case in which the silent majority is on one side and the noisy minority on another.
So far I haven't detected another liberal using the phrase "silent majority." It is entirely accurate appropriate and (I suspect) effective. However, it takes more than that to make most liberals quote Richard Nixon.
Am I the first to overcome this crippling atavistic revulsion ? If not provide a link with your comment.
Also I have nothing against dogs named checkers.
update: not the first. No more mister nice blog was not nice to me.
"we'll be the peaceful Silent Majority this time."