I'm Incredible.
Sen Johnny Isaakson denounced the claim that the end of life counseling provision of health care reform amounts to euthanasia. The Johnny Isaakson denounced the claim that Sen Johnny Isaakson denounced the claim that the end of life counseling provision of health care reform amounts to euthanasia.
Politician lies, dog bites man.
But I'm incredible that the dishonest denial wasn't written in correct English. I can believe that senate staffers have no integrity but I thought they had a decent command of English grammar (one of the many reasons I have never tried to get a job in a Senate office, so I find it incredulous that they ghost write a senator saying
"I categorically oppose the House bill and find it incredulous that the White House and others would use my amendment as a scapegoat for their misguided policies,”this is incredulous it strains credibility and lacks credulity.