A Republican's health care proposal
myleftnutmeg and
Update from Firedoglake: Christine Stuart of CT News Junkie identifies the guy (via email) as the one she spoke to for this article:
There were several anti-Dodd signs in the crowd and at one point James Bancroft led the crowd in a “Hey Chris Dodd, Swim to Cuba” chant.
His name is James Bancroft. More video of him here:
Jim Bancroft, one of the protesters who is part of the Dump Dodd and Tea Party movements, said Dodd asked if he wanted to talk to him and he declined. Bancroft, who
is currently uninsured and on disability for a back injury, said if he needs medical attention he will pay for it himself.
He seems also to be
James Bancroft Media Coordinator GATHERING OF EAGLES,
Also seems to have been at a Tea Party April 15 "James Bancroft led the crowd in a “Hey Chris Dodd, Swim to Cuba”"
Also, I think
A very active citizen. Pity he's disabled, can't work and has to live on a government pension.