House Passes Bill to Ease Alternative Minimum Tax
By Jonathan Weisman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, November 10, 2007; Page A01
The House yesterday narrowly approved a $73.8 billion measure to protect millions of families from the alternative minimum tax and offer new tax breaks to middle-income homeowners and low-income parents, offset by tax increases that would land primarily on wealthy Wall Street financiers.
Wow that was quick. The House Democrats managed to do something that caused Jonathan fbd Weisman to write a lede that I like. Roughly a miracle. I also really enjoyed "the hours of open class warfare on the House floor" and was very amused that the sentence begins with "But" as if open class warfare is bad for Democrats.
J fbd Weisman did manage to irritate me predicting that Democrats will "fail" because they won't get the "required 60 votes in the Senate."
Also I really don't like to read "Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.)" and I really really don't like to read "Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and a key member of the finance and banking committees,"
Still actually not a bad article. All he said she said, but the Democrats case is so strong that that is fine.
My main concern is that I have predicted that the new open ness of the class war will destroy the Republican party, and my predictions are always wrong.