Robert's cumupance or don't mess with google.
Over at
Brad's blog there was a debate about whether the Bush administration is trying to blame China for US the drop in US employment. The debate was narrowed to "yes they say China is a problem but do they say China is THE problem". I came back with a smart challenge. Find a Bush administration leader who names another problem. Then I took up the challenge and made a fool of myself.
Taking up my challenge to find a Bush admin official blaming something other than China I tried “Bush blames jobs” at google and got first hit
The Victoria Advocate - [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Bush blames better productivity for job losses President also ... INDIANAPOLIS - President
Bush on Friday confronted ... a disappointing new government jobs report by ... local/story/1321556p-1557896c.html - 60k
Robert J Waldmann says that Robert J Waldmann has got to learn that demanding a specific fact is no longer a way to intimidate people into silence now that Robert J Waldmann can just look things up on google.