The internet link hierarchy and the power of Brad.
I have recently been checking how many people visit this blog more or less daily (ok I admit more often than daily). As noted by
Michael Froomkin my traffic jumped from roughly zero to, well positive, when
Brad Delong linked to me.
The really exciting news is that not all of my hits are referred by Brad. This blog is showing up in google searches. This too is due to Brad. This blog has an almost respectable page rank because Brad has linked to it.
I tried to find this blog searching on google. First I cheated looking for Gulbudin Hekmatyar (my rare miss spelling). At least that shows I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to spell Gulbuddin. Now I am very excited to report that this blog appears 15th in a search for "rumsfeld hekmatyar taliban memo" with no miss spellings as far as I know.
Thanks a google Brad.
By the way, consider
Michael Froomkin (who has known Brad for even much longer than I have) and is in my ignorant opinion the one law professor who understands the legal issues related to the internet that I personally know (but hey he made the Economist so it isn't just me). He too notes the wonderful news that Josh Marshall's request for some money to enable him to cover the New Hampshire primary was instantly obersubscribed. However, he manages to restrain himself from writing aweful poetry.