Confusion in the camp of the enemy.
I was interested in development of the story about links between ultra conservative Gover Norquist and Hamas. I clicked on a link which I will not reproduce here. I found a page that accused Norquist of all sorts of things including ties to moslem groups which proselytize in prisons and, shudder, have set up a K-12 school. Back to the home page of the group and I read Allah is not God (well I agree with that) and much on how Islam is evil and George Bush is trying to hide this from the American people.
I am sure I am not glad that there is a quarrel between ultra reactionary Islamic fundamentalists (totally disagree with them) and sectarian bigoted xenophobes (totally disagree with them too) and that undersecretaries and good buddies of Karl Rove are facing up on opposite sides of this culture war. I wish these people would stop hating each other so much. I mean if they just opposed each other as much as I oppose both of them that would be perfect.