Brad DeLong's Blog Housekeeping Post
It seems that Brad's blog or
is misbehaving. People (including Anne) have been posting comments to this blog to report thus disrupting the normal flow of spam.
[update Brad's blog works fine for me (and I am using a PC). Maybe the problem has been resolved while I was skiing]
Comments on Brad's blog follow.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
[Forgive this note, and delete it if it is distracting: Brad DeLong's wonderful blog is all but unusable even to read let alone to post on. PC's freeze simply reading Brad's blog whether on the university computer in my office, the library system computer or my home computer. The blog freezes and the Internet connection freezes. This has been going on for at least 2 weeks, and happens repeatedly so that I do not even try to read the blog nor do my other faculty friends.
I consider Brad's blog a treasure, and possibly you can let him know the problem for PCs at least.
Also, the change in design that began about the time the freezing began makes posting too difficult in general.
Oh dear, I am sorry to complain but I love Brad's blog as do my friends. University technicians tell us the problem is in the blog.
Help :)]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Oh, I see, you are approving comment. I told you I was not good at this. But, I am right about Brad's blog being impossible to use on our PCs. Ari and I tried again from the library, and freeze....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Darn, the note I left did not post; I am evidently not good at this:
[Forgive this note, and delete it if it is distracting: Brad DeLong's wonderful blog is all but unusable even to read let alone to post on. PC's freeze simply reading Brad's blog whether on the university computer in my office, the library system computer or my home computer. The blog freezes and the Internet connection freezes. This has been going on for at least 2 weeks, and happens repeatedly so that I do not even try to read the blog nor do my other faculty friends.
I consider Brad's blog a treasure, and possibly you can let him know the problem for PCs at least.
Also, the change in design that began about the time the freezing began makes posting too difficult in general.
Oh dear, I am sorry to complain but I love Brad's blog as do my friends. University technicians tell us the problem is in the blog.
Help :)]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Oh, I see, you are approving comment. I told you I was not good at this. But, I am right about Brad's blog being impossible to use on our PCs. Ari and I tried again from the library, and freeze....
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Robert, I do not suppose this will work but comments are not posting.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Forgive this note, and delete it if it is distracting: Brad DeLong's wonderful blog is all but unusable even to read let alone to post on. PC's freeze simply reading Brad's blog whether on the university computer in my office, the library system computer or my home computer. The blog freezes and the Internet connection freezes. This has been going on for at least 2 weeks, and happens repeatedly so that I do not even try to read the blog nor do my other faculty friends.
I consider Brad's blog a treasure, and possibly you can let him know the problem for PCs at least.
Also, the change in design that began about the time the freezing began makes posting too difficult in general.
Oh dear, I am sorry to complain but I love Brad's blog as do my friends. University technicians tell us the problem is in the blog.
Help :)
[Trying again.]
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Great design, useful info!This resourse is great!Keep it up!With the best regards!
(must be referring to Brad's blog no ? ndrjw)
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Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
Please do let Brad know the serious problem, if you do get any of these notes. None of us can use his blog without crashing our computers.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "1/29/2007 01:57:00 PM":
I do not seem to be getting through, sadly.
(I have to cut and paste from a hotmail account to post comments. Since almost all are spam and I have all the viagra I need (none thank you) it is easier to deal with the few legit comments by hand. I have had only dial up for a few days and almost missed the Brad's blog crisis, which is resolved by now for all I know).
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "2/04/2007 11:36:00 AM":
Thank you so much for your help, Robert; all "seems" fine finally. Happy memories of skiing.