My Brother in law Johnny Carrera writes
You Guys, This message has exactly what i had been looking for: A way to tell Ted Kennedy what questions to Ask! You can also submit a url to your blog! Robert! You must do this! In brief, I told him I want to ask Alito how we are supposed to believe him now when he was dishonest in his last confirmation hearings as a judge.
ps, Gretchen, Gus's bumperstickers/ shirts are hilarious - jon, you need the bumpersticker that says - "Ribbons are for wimps, go fight in Iraq."
love ,johnny
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: "Marty Walsh,"
Sent: Jan 11, 2006 3:15 PM
To: John Carrera
Subject: Ask Alito
Dear John,
Samuel Alito began his Senate confirmation hearings Monday, after weeks of intense preparation by some of the President's closest aides. It's clear that the Administration has picked a nominee to satisfy the ideological appetite of the radical wing of its Party -- but they can't let the general public realize just how out of the mainstream his beliefs are.
The Senators on the Judiciary Committee -- including Senator Kennedy -- now have the duty to peel back the carefully constructed facade. We have to get to the bottom of Mr. Alito's record and judicial philosophy and determine how he would impact the rights and freedoms of every American.
President Bush's nominee already knows the answers to questions the White House coaches and handlers anticipated, but he hasn't heard from you -- yet. As he makes his case to serve on the nation's Supreme Court,
what is the most important question you think Samuel Alito should answer?
Given the recent revelations about the Administration's rejection of judicial oversight for its programs of torture and domestic spying, Mr. Alito's expansive view of the power of the executive branch is troubling. It's clear that President Bush wants a Supreme Court justice who will rubber stamp abuses of power rather than question his authority.
We deserve to know whether this nominee would put the power of executive branch before the American people. Sometimes it just takes a simple question to get the most revealing answer.
What will you ask?
When he was first confirmed to the federal bench in 1990, Samuel Alito promised to recuse himself from any cases involving a company named Vanguard, in which he owned stock. When a case involving Vanguard came before him, however, he went ahead and ruled on it -- and has since offered varied and conflicting reasons as to why he broke this pledge.
Even more red flags plague Samuel Alito's record when it comes to protecting our civil rights. After graduation from Princeton, he joined an alumni group that stood for curbing the admission of minority applicants and blocking female applicants altogether. Furthermore, in fifteen years on the bench, he never wrote an opinion on the merits favoring a person of color who alleged racial discrimination on the job.
The words above the Supreme Court -- Equal Justice Under the Law -- should guide any judge on the federal bench, and Samuel Alito is no exception.
How would you ask him to reconcile his troubling record to this fundamental principle?
Keep an eye on the news and the campaign's journal; Senator Kennedy is already asking tough questions, but many more will follow. What will yours be?
Thank you,
Marty Walsh
Campaign Manager
P.S. "Ted Kennedy: Last Liberal Standing" -- a three-part documentary focusing on the Senator's legislative record -- has been made available online.
Check it out
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