Saturday, April 07, 2007

I re rejoin the Ali al Husseini al Sistani fan club.

Turns out I quit because I fell for one of Ahmed Chalabi's lies.

Oh the shame.


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM

    No; the fault as I indicated earlier was not yours, the fault is rather the continually slanted and distorted information and reporting that seldom is properly questioning.


  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Actually, Mr. Sistani has been quite consistent.

  3. Anonymous8:43 PM

    What bothers me is that Juan Cole can be so right, and reporters so wrong but reporters do not seem interested in at least checking Cole's interpretations. At least reading Cole should sharpen a reporter's judgement.


  4. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I was asked at a luncheon today whether any of the Democratic candidates for president had committed to ending the occupation of Iraq, and I was so saddened to have to answer "only Dennis Kucinich." Also, I added pointedly that Hillary Clinton was the only leading Democratic candidate committed to continuing to occupy Iraq.


  5. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Issues that need to be forced on Democratic candidates are Iraq and health care, and no allowance for generalities. For me, that leave Edwards and Obama to commit to leaving Iraq, and Obama to show an interest in health care.


  6. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Also, there are writers who I immediately am wary of including John Burns and Michael Gordon; though both are highly regarded, I find them militarists. Judith Miller, I never did understand other than to be told by my parents early on that she was never to be trusted. I always took her as simply a self-serving sensationalist.
