Saturday, April 07, 2007

How to Describe Iranian actions re the 15 British servicepeople they grabbed

They have no respect for international law ?
They have no regrets ?
There is no way to get anywhere good from here ?
They were on vacation ?

No rules
No rue
Non rues
No Rouz


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Vacation, seems right.

  2. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Happily I am wrong; Bill Richardson is also committed to leaving Iraq if elected president. That makes Kucinich and Rochardson now. Richardson is talking of funding universal health care with the saving by leaving Iraq. Fine; now for Edwards or Obama and hopefully both.


  3. Anonymous10:11 PM

    There was a war reporter for the New York Times by the name of Chris Hedges, who was superb, but finally could not stand to cover war anymore and changed assignments. Right after the war in Iraq "ended," Hedges spoke at a graduation where he criticized the war and noted we had to leave Iraq immiedately or suffer a terrible insurgency. Hedges was booed, the Times sent a letter to reprimand Hedges for conduct unbecoming, well, unbecoming, and Hedges left the Times not long after.

  4. Anonymous10:14 PM

    John Burns has been a war reporter for at least 15 years, and I do not know how it is possible to keep to such an assignment and not become, well, maddened. (I surely could not do so.)


  5. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Nice fox sparros and soon sparrow-lets.
