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Sunday, December 18, 2005

In the post below, and direct one to the same page This is really weird, because at they claim "Making long URLs useable! More than 13 million of them."

I assumed that the tinyurls were case sensitive. The five letters come after a / so they can be a UNIX file and, one of the reasons i HATE unix is that it is case sensitive.

But no, it seems that tinyurls are identified by 5 case insensitive symbols. This is weird because 26 to the fifth is only 11,881,376 < 13,000,000.

Oh I see most tinyurls contain letters and digits and 36 to the fifth is 60,466,176
giving tinyurl a few options left before their urls have to become slightly less tiny.

I was puzzled because I got one of the probability (26/36)^5 = 19.65% all letter urls.

Never mind.

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