Whiners will whine. I am not satisfied by the technological and logistics capabilities of the US armed forces. What am I thinking ? Well I was honestly surprised that the US armed forces do not seem to be able to carry medium powerful electricity generators on helicopters. I would have expected that a few Chinooks could bring in enough generators that, working in parallel, they could power a water purification plant. Thus I am so spoiled that I was disappointed that damage to electric power lines powering the water purification plant meant that citizens of Basra (who are not spoiled at all) had to make do with 40% of normal water supply for weeks.
I mean in less than two weeks the US armed forces managed to airlift two entire water purification plants into Goma for the huge refugee camp.
I am gettting even more disappointed, because I read that hospitals in Baghdad are relying on their backup generators which might fail given heavy use (not designed to run for days straight). Surely the US armed forces should be able to airlift enough generating capacity to run a hospital to a field the size of a pingpong table no ? I mean they can take anything anywhere instantly. Can't they ?