I made it !
Finally after two weeks of trying I got to http://english.aljazeera.net.
There were various problems, like the first time I tried to get to the English version of the al Jazeera web page there was no English version. I found a page full of arabic and wasn't sure if some of the Arabic said English in Arabic. Al Jazeera made an English page the next day or so. Then, as you probably know, the site was hacked in various ways.
I didn't see the hack of censoring by replacing the site with "Let Freedom Ring" written by an oxymoronic moron. It did demand a password from me (fancy denial of service). Also I think that aside from hackers it's just jammed.
At http://english.aljazeera.net I learned that AOL and Yahoo refuse to carry adds for
http://english.aljazeera.net. Clearly this is legal, but I think it goes against the spirit of free expression so I am personally advertizing http://english.aljazeera.net. It seems to me to be a reasonable web page containing interesting information. Most of the quotes are from coalition generals and such. Their spin is different from, say, CNN or the BBC but the ball is in the same ballpark.