I told you so (if and only if you are Mark Kleiman which I really hope you are because I would be honored if he read this blog).
The latest news on
Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
Doug Milhous
"A ...* academic paper digging into presidential betting in the final
weeks of the 2012 election finds that a single trader lost between $4 million and $7 million placing a flurry of Intrade bets on Mitt Romney -- perhaps to make the Republican nominee's chance of victory appear brighter," the Wall Street Journal reports.
"The anonymous trader placed 1.2 million pro-Romney contracts, some of which were actually in the form of bets against a Barack Obama victory. The most plausible reason for the betting, the authors conclude, is that 'this trader could have been attempting to manipulate beliefs about the odds of victory in an attempt to boost fundraising, campaign morale, and turnout.'"
aha just as I suspected.
Mark Kleiman asked "Wha' Happened"
and I commented
* mandatory "fair" use ellipses.
**I tries to conjugate and not add incorrect s's, but sometimes I just can't helps myself.