Site Meter

Monday, July 16, 2012

High Latitude

I admit that I am a sitemeter junky. I need the confirmation that people read this blog. I just got a link from Thoma's blog and from Thoma and DeLong on twitter, so I am happy.

In particular, I think I have a new record for latitude. Someone visted this blog from
Canada Yellowknife, Northwest Territories !

On the map it seems to me that Yellowknife is in the Northmost extreme of nowhere. I didn't know that anyone lived up there. There was also a reader from Finland, but from a part of Finland far to the South of Yellowknife.

I am flattered that my scribblings were sent by the internet into the I guess not frozen in July North.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am currently in Bodø, at 67°17' N, which I believe is even further north. No permafrost, but a rather rainy summer.

Could you please elaborate on your earlier post on the (in)flexible labour markets in Italy?
