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Thursday, August 05, 2004

What's with Bush and Goats ?

I'm not suggesting anything weird, just noticing a coincidence. In the Washington Post Ann Gerhart is not impressed by Bush.

Kerry went for voters' brains. [snip]

Bush went for voters' hearts. His rally
featured all the spectacular
stagecraft at which this White House excels. [snip] Restless children
inside the rally enclosure had a choice between a small carnival ride and a

petting zoo featuring a dozen baby goats.

I know the Bush administration wants to remind voters of September 11 every day, but I don't think they should allow a reporter to get pet and goat in the same sentence.

I got there via Dan Froomkin , but he is too serious to focus on a wonderful example of Bush helping risk taking enterprising Americans

Davenport police Lt. Don Gano said he received word of the dueling trips
"about a week ago."

While Kerry fielded questions on more jobs for Davenport, which has the
highest unemployment rate in the state, and Bush claimed he had helped farmers
and ranchers, enterprising bandits made their own economic opportunity: With
nearly every local officer on security detail downtown, armed robbers a few
miles away committed three bank heists in quick succession, according to Gano.

I wonder what Bob Somerby would say about Ann Gerhart. The views on Bush and Kerry expressed in this news article don't seem to fit his script script. I know I will be searching for her byline in the Post, but I admit that this is a case of a syndrome noted by one of the people she interviews " A trio of young men from Grinnell College debate how democratic discourse is harmed when, as Adam Schwartz puts it, 'you stay in your own little isolated group.'"

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