Thursday, December 04, 2014

Housekeeping Note

I was thinking of setting up a new blog entitled "An Arrogant Jerk's Stochastic Thoughts" so I could let it all hang out and yet preserve deniability. but I decided that I already post as an arrogant jerk here and besides almost no one reads this blog. The assumption that almost no one reads this blog has caused some trouble when I got very drunk and wrote something rude about something Felix Salmon wrote based on unkind paraphrases, and without reading what he actually wrote. Somehow he found out, and I had to apologise. I was very drunk. I wish that I could claim that the typing of offending statement ".... I recalled taht Salmon had said ... " suggests anything unusual about my blood ethanol concentration.


  1. Rebert, you must be vigilant: enemies are always listening.

  2. At least your blog is read. Another I know about is only scanned by webcrawlers.

  3. You should cross post some posts from Angry Bear like John Quiggin does.

  4. By the way the typing of the offending statement is normal for you, but I'm not in a position to judge if that is because you are a lousy typist or because you are always drunk.
