The Wall Street Journal (yes that Wall Street Journal) reports on Maoists challenging the ruthless exploiters of the working class who run the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. But that's not the ironic part. The ironic part is that to learn about the Chinese New Left Wall Street Journal chief new left ideology reporter Brian Spengele
talked to someone in Utah !?!?
Mr. Bo's takedown indicates consensus among Chinese leaders to push ahead with economic liberalization despite growing social problems, said Minqi Li, an economics professor at the University of Utah, who is aligned with new leftists in calling for more-egalitarian wealth distribution in China.
I know that Utah is a red state but I didn't imagine that referred to the little red book.
History has long been a prankster, but used to have some respect for credibility.
OK seriously the People's Republic does have an unequal income distribution. The Communist Party ruthlessly exploits workers on land ruthlessly expropriated from peasants and I wish professor Minqi Li all the best.